
Does my professor know the nature of my disability?

No. It is up to the student to determine whether or not to disclose specific information about their disability. Some students find that it is helpful to discuss the nature of their condition with their professors, while others prefer to keep this information confidential. The DSS accommodation letter only indicates the approved accommodations for your class and does not include any information about the nature of your disability.

How do I know if I am “registered” with DSS?

Students initiate registration with DSS by completing the steps outlined on our “How to Register for Services” page: Register For Services, which includes completing the Student Intake Form, Providing Documentation, and Scheduling an “Intake Appointment.” If you need to check on your status with DSS, you may contact us at 707-664-2677, 707-664-2958 TTY, or stop by the office in Schulz 1014a.

If I am 20 minutes late to my testing appointment, may I stay 20 minutes longer?

It is important to be on time, so students who are late for testing appointments will forfeit this amount time, just like what would occur in the classroom. In addition, testing times are often scheduled back-to-back in the DSS office and space is limited, so there may be room to stay longer that the scheduled appointment time.


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