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Sample Syllabus Announcements

Academic Accommodation

It is suggested that instructors include a statement about how to obtain academic accommodations directly on their syllabi. For example: 

If you are a student with a disability and think you may need academic accommodations, please contact Disability Services for Students (DSS), located in the Schulz Information Center, Room 1014A, Voice: (707) 664-2677  (dial 711 for Relay), as early as possible in order to avoid a delay in receiving accommodation services. Use of DSS services, including testing accommodations, requires prior authorization by DSS in compliance with university policies and procedures. Disability Access for Students (SSU Policy 2005-2).

Emergency Evacuation - Additional Syllabus Announcement

It is also suggested that instructors include a statement on their syllabi pertaining to emergency evacuation for students with disabilities. For example: 

If you are a student with a disability and you think you may require assistance evacuating a building in the event of a disaster, you should inform your instructor about the type of assistance you may require. You and your instructor should discuss your specific needs and the type of precautions that should be made in advance of such an event (i.e. assigning a buddy to guide you down the stairway). We encourage you to take advantage of these preventative measures as soon as possible and contact the Disability Services for Students office if other classroom accommodations are needed.