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Housing Accommodaton Request

Welcome to the Disability Services for Students (DSS) Office at Sonoma State University. To assist you with your disability-related housing accommodation requests, we will need documentation from you and your medical provider(s).

Please keep in mind that having approved housing accommodations through the DSS office does not guarantee an appropriate space will be available. Housing is based on availability and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Follow these steps to request disability-related housing accommodations.

Step 1: Apply for Housing

  • Review the Apply to Housing page (opens new window) for details on how to apply and complete all steps to the REACH registration process.
  • Apply Early!  Apply for housing through the REACH office as soon as possible. Priority is determined by the date you apply to live on campus.  Housing applications open in early February each year.

Step 2: Register with DSS

 Begin the registration process with the DSS Office by completing and submitting the DSS Student Information Form (opens new window).

Step 3: Complete the Housing Accommodation Request Form

Step 4: Health Provider Completes Verification Housing Accommodations Form

A Few Tips

  • Apply for housing early!
  • A DSS Advisor will email students whenever documentation is received and update them on the status of their accommodation requests. If you think documentation was submitted and have not heard from a DSS Advisor within ten days of submission, please contact the DSS Office at (707) 664-2677.