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DSS Services

DSS considers factors such as documentation from professionals specializing in the area of the student’s diagnosed disability, the student’s functional limitations, and the student’s input and accommodation history in regard to particular needs and limitations determining appropriate accommodations. DSS works with the student and relevant faculty and staff through an interactive process designed to identify an accommodation that provides equal access, while also ensuring that the academic integrity of the University is maintained by requiring that all students complete the same requirements that have been determined to be essential to the program of instruction or directly related to any licensing requirement.

Click on the headings below to review forms to complete and details about requesting each service.

Alternate Media

Course materials may be converted into various formats in order to provide equal access to one’s educational materials. Examples of common formats include: accessible PDF, DAISY, ePub, tagged Microsoft Word, Braille, or tactile graphics.

Assistive Technology

Common examples of assistive technology available to qualified DSS students include close caption televisions, speech recognition software, personal amplification devices, screen reader software, and text-to-speech(audible) software.

Dietary Accommodation Request

Sonoma State University encourages students with food allergies and special dietary requirements to be self-advocates in managing their dietary conditions.

Disability Management Advising

Disability Management Services are available for students to meet individually with an advisor.

Furniture Request

 Adaptive furniture (i.e., chair, desk, podium) is available for students who are registered with DSS and have an approved accommodation related to the functional limitation/s.

Housing Request

Students have an opportunity to request disability-related housing accommodations if they have specific disability-related functional limitations that would otherwise prevent equal access to on-campus housing.

How-To's & FAQ's

A selection of step-by-step guides and instructional videos on some of the most common assistive technology tools utilized by students, staff, and faculty at Sonoma State University. 

Interpreting Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

DSS provides sign language interpreters, real-time captioning, and/or other communication accommodations to deaf and hard-of-hearing students for classes and academically-related activities.


Note-taking assistance may be provided to qualified students who are registered with the Disability Services for Students office.

Priority Registration

Eligibility for priority registration is based upon appropriate documentation of one’s disability and is determined on a case-by-case basis by the Disability Services for Students office (DSS).

Test Taking Accommodation for Students

Students with documented disabilities may receive test-taking accommodations through the DSS office after obtaining appropriate authorization from the DSS office.