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Note-Taking Accommodation Guidelines

Note-taking assistance may be provided to qualified students who are registered with the Disability Services for Students office.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be an SSU student and currently enrolled with the Disability Services for Students office.
  • Have specific documentation of a disability where the functional limitations affect one’s ability to take notes in the classroom
  • Students with hearing and visual impairments, as well as those with cognitive impairments related to processing speed, attentiveness, auditory processing, or dysgraphia, may also be eligible for note-taking assistance.

Note-Taking Accommodation Guidelines

  1. Note-taking services are provided as a disability-related accommodation to eligible students registered with the Disability Services for Students (DSS) office who have a documented disability, which impacts the student’s ability to effectively take notes in class.
  2. The DSS student should schedule an appointment with their DSS Advisor prior to the beginning of the semester to request note-taking accommodations in specific classes where this assistance is needed. Failure to promptly schedule an appointment with your Disability Management Advisor may result in a delay in the provision of this disability-related accommodation.
  3. The DSS student and DSS Advisor will discuss note-taking options such as:
    • Messenger Pigeon (iOS/Android) for word-for-word transcription, an outline of major topics or themes, assignment details, class announcements and due dates for tests, quizzes, and projects. 
  4. The DSS student should notify the DSS office if they experience any problems with the note-taking services that are being provided. Please be specific in providing examples of the problems you are experiencing and the DSS office will investigate and take appropriate action if needed.
  5. The DSS student should immediately notify DSS of any changes in the need for note-taking services or course enrollment status (dropping or changing classes).