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Rights & Responsibilities

Disability Access for Students Policy Statement

SSU Disability Access for Students Policy

Sonoma State University is committed to providing an inclusive environment, which is responsive to the needs of all students. To ensure this inclusion, appropriate accommodations are provided to students and prospective students who have self-identified with verified disabilities and who require these accommodations in order to enjoy access to university programs, services, or activities for which the individuals are otherwise qualified. Accommodations will not be provided if they fundamentally alter or impact the nature of the program, inappropriately impede access for others or cause a direct threat to the health and safety of the student with a disability or others. The University’s goal is to provide an equivalent academic experience and learning opportunity, not to guarantee the success of the student’s education or career.

These accommodations may include architectural access changes, close-in or adapted parking or seating, library assistance, interpreters, extended time and/or alternative format for exams, auxiliary aids, as well as academic adjustments, or other accommodations necessary for a particular individual’s needs.

Ensuring the accessibility of information technology and resources is a shared responsibility that cuts across the campus and requires ongoing, overall institutional attention and commitment for its success. One of the common requirements in the ATI plan is the identification of roles and responsibilities for each aspect of accessibility.

Achieving accessibility will require collaboration among faculty, Disabled Student Services, bookstore, academic and student services departments, Information Technology, other institutional staff, and students with disabilities.

For details on specific roles and responsibilities, please review the SSU Policy - Disability Access for Students.

California State University (CSU) Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities

The California State University (CSU) Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities prohibits unlawful discrimination against students on the basis of disability in CSU Programs, services, and activities in accordance with, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA); Sections 504 and 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and applicable California state laws. The CSU Policy is consistent with current applicable federal and state laws concerning the non-discrimination of students on the basis of disability.

Download and review the CSU Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities (PDF, 406 KB)