
How can I learn more about the needs of my students?

Open communication between you and your student facilitates a better understanding of the individual needs. Please contact your student's Disability Management Advisor for more information. Additional teaching strategies and resources may be found in Teaching Strategies and Faculty Resource section.

How does a student get Priority Registration?

Students registered with the DSS are generally given Priority Registration time slots, which allow them the opportunity to register for their classes at the earliest registration period. In this way, they are able to manage their disability and be proactive in assuring a workable schedule.

How does a student qualify for "Exception to the time limitations prescribed by minimum progress requirements"?

Under certain circumstances and dependent upon the nature of an individual's disability, it may be possible to make exceptions to the University's minimum progress requirements. A student must make an appointment with a DSS Advisor to discuss his or her situation on an individual basis. The student will then work closely with the instructor regarding academic expectations.

What is assistive technology and who uses it?

The Assistive Technology (AsTech) Lab, located within the 24-Hour Lab in the Schulz building, houses computer equipment that is available for the use of students with various disabilities. Available equipment includes speech recognition software, magnification programs, text-to-speech software, and other assistive technology. Students must obtain an authorization from DSS to use these services.

What about interpreters for students who are deaf?

Students who are deaf may work closely with an American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter. ASL Interpreters may be used to facilitate communication in the classroom, laboratories, field trips and other class-related activities. Instructors are requested to address any communication in a class (i.e., questions, responses to comments, etc.) to the student using an interpreter directly to the student, and not to the interpreter. Students who use interpreters are asked to wait for 15 minutes if their interpreters are late.

Is my material safe if I allow a student to tape my lectures?

Depending upon the nature and severity of a particular student's disability, an instructor may be asked to allow him or her to tape lectures. It is the policy of DSS that students requiring this accommodation keep the lecture tapes secure and confidential and to use them only for the purposes of reviewing the presented materials. If an instructor has questions or concerns regarding this policy, he or she may contact DSS staff.

What are academic accommodations and how do I know they are reasonable?

Academic accommodations and support services are determined on an individual basis. Each accommodation is based on functional limitations as identified in each student's documentation and is designed to meet a student's needs without fundamentally altering the nature of the university's instructional program(s). Accommodations and support services are provided upon the recommendation of a DSS staff member. Students who are authorized for accommodations will present to their instructors an authorization form, which outlines the appropriate and recommended accommodation for each class.

Do I need to be presented with an Accommodation Letter each Semester for the same student if I have them in another class or another semester?

Yes, the student is required to provide you with an Accommodation Letter dated in the current semester for each course. You cannot assume that once a student is eligible the first time, they are eligible the next time. Also, a student's accommodation needs may vary from semester to semester or from course to course.


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