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School/Work/Life Balance

Area of Growth

Life Skills

Readiness Skills

Learn how to balance academics with work, social, or other life commitments.

More Information

  • Structure your academic, self-care, and leisure activities to ensure you can balance these entities. 
  • Utilize campus support services, and practice self-care strategies to manage sensory overload and social fatigue. 
  • Understand that your social life might look different from others and focus on building meaningful connections at your own pace.

How to Further Development

  • Identify and practice self-care strategies and research how you will be able to engage in those at college. 
  • Identify specific environments on your campus to study, socialize, and relax outside your living area. 
  • Research college support services to help with study skills and work/life balance. 
  • Use a planner consistently to plan out work/school/social activities to ensure balance. 
  • Work with campus advisors to ensure you have a realistic understanding of your commitments and how to balance those with college life.