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Test Taking Accommodation

Students with documented disabilities may receive test-taking accommodations through the DSS office after obtaining appropriate authorization from the DSS office.


  • Must be a SSU student and currently enrolled with the Disability Services for Students office.
  • Have specific documentation of a disability-related functional limitation indicating the need for test-taking accommodations
  • Obtain the DSS Academic Accommodation Authorization form (each semester) from your Disability Management Advisor

Requesting Services

  • Meet with a DSS Advisor at the beginning of each semester to obtain the DSS Academic Accommodation Authorization form (one for each class)
  • Provide the DSS Academic Accommodation Authorization form to each faculty member where accommodations are needed
  • Schedule all exams, including finals, with the DSS office as soon as the test dates have been determined
  • Confirm your testing appointment with your instructor one week prior to the exam, by sending a reminder email, to ensure that the instructor provides the DSS office with the exam before the testing appointment