What do students need to use Top Hat?
What you will need to use Top Hat
- A Top Hat account; before creating an account, contact the instructor for login information, access codes, course name, and types of Top Hat activities to expect.
- Wifi Access
- A Web-enabled device to register votes with Top Hat. Review the system requirements for your device/s. The range of devices that can be used include:
- Smartphones - there are apps for iOS and Android but also a web application for those who can’t (or don’t want to) install the app.
- Tablets - apps available as above.
- eReader - tablet-like eReaders such as the Kindle Fire range.
- iPod Touch
- Chromebook
- Laptops PC or Mac
- Classic cell phone (staff may enable SMS voting in a session, meaning that you could also take part in a session with a phone that does not have Internet browsing capabilities).