DSS Continuity Plan (Classes Held Online)
Overview Statement
Given the need to be proactive in our planning around COVID-19, specifically to mitigate any current or future impact to the students we support, the DSS staff have outlined a process by which to continue to offer direct-services.
The situation regarding COVID-19 is evolving rapidly both in the United States and across the globe. We anticipate the information and directives we currently have may be updated frequently. As a result, we will be continually reviewing this process and editing as needed. Sonoma State University is committed to the safety and well-being of our community. For additional information regarding the campus response, please visit the COVID19-Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information | SSU webpage. On this webpage you will find answers to frequently asked questions, as well as copies of email messages that have been issued to the campus community. We encourage you to check back frequently to ensure you have the most current information available.
DSS Current Mode of Operation
- Staff working remotely
- Normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 5:00 PM
- Office closed to walk-in business.
- Consult with faculty by Zoom or by phone
- Meet with students via Zoom or by phone
- Testing will be conducted by faculty using the campus’ LMS
Appointments with Students/Faculty Consultation
We are currently offering remote appointments until further notice. Appointment availability is based on each advisor’s set availability, but is generally from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. We will work with students or faculty to schedule an appointment via telephone or Zoom.
Students or faculty may call the office at (dial 711 for Relay). Phone calls will be forwarded to disability.services@sonoma.edu and then routed to the appropriate staff person. The VoIP Telephone and Voicemail system is utilized, so voice recording of emails will be generated to our email. VoIP Telephones & Voicemail Features. DSS staff will also be available through email during this time.
How to Schedule Appointments in Zoom - Staff
Locate your Personal Meeting ID for Zoom
Navigate to the “Zoom” tile within your Online Services. Select the “Profile” tab from the right-hand side. Locate the URL associated with your Personal Meeting ID and copy this somewhere for future reference.
Sharing Zoom information with students
The Administrative Coordinator or whomever receives the message shall send a Google Calendar Invite to the student informing them that this appointment will take place remotely.
The DSS staff member’s Personal Meeting ID for Zoom will be provided. At the start of the appointment, please use this link to join the remote advising session.
Conducting the remote appointment via Zoom.
To conduct the remote appointment via Zoom, start by navigating to Zoom, either by way of the online tile or via the app. Note, if attempting to log-in via the app, you may need to first sign in with your single-sign-on. To do so, use “sonomastate” as your company domain. Once logged-into Zoom, you may select either “Start with video” or “Start without video” to enter the virtual meeting room.
When the student joins the appointment, you should hear an enter-chime and see that a new participant has joined the virtual meeting room. Once all attendees are present, click the “Manage Participants” button, then from the “More” drop-down, select “Lock meeting.” This will prevent additional people from joining the appointment. If at any point during the appointment you wish to share your screen with the student, click the “Share Screen” button and select which screen you want to share, e.g., your desktop, an open internet browser window, or a digital whiteboard.
At the end of the appointment, click the “End Meeting” button, followed by the “End Meeting for All” button. This will take you back to the Zoom dashboard, where you can either choose to exit Zoom or wait for your next Zoom appointment to begin.
Staff Meetings
All staff meetings, including weekly 1:1 meetings will be held via Zoom. The DSS Director will schedule all of these meetings via Gmail/Google Calendar.
Priority Registration
- Students who are eligible for Priority Registration will receive an email that their Priority Registration Appointment has been activated.
- Students will not be required to obtain Priority Registration Advising and complete the DSS Priority Registration Advising Worksheet by April 1, 2020.
- Students may seek academic advising via their major advisor, Advising Center, or DSS anytime prior to and after Priority Registration beginning on April 13, 2020.
Student Assistant Staffing
- Determine what duties student assistants can perform remotely.
- Testing will be conducted by faculty using the campus’ LMS.
- Assist faculty with converting materials into accessible formats as needed
- DSS will enter information into the Faculty Resource Guide about how to extend time in the LMS and other relevant information about accommodations and accessibility
DSS Case Management
DSS will use laptops, so we can access our case management program, Titanium, and DSS Shared Drives which are stored on the SSU secure server. Use of a VPN will allow staff to remote onto our desktops and access the SSU server and the confidential material stored in Titanium.
Extra time for test-taking
Faculty will make appropriate adjustments in the LMS.
Reduced-distraction testing
Students have the ability to determine the testing environment to best meet their needs at a remote location
Sign language - ASL
DSS will contact instructors in classes where students are receiving sign language interpreting services to determine the format that on-line classes will be held. Interpreters will be added to Zoom classes for live or recorded classes in order for students to continue to receive sign language interpreting services.
DSS will contact instructors in classes where students are receiving sign language services or real-time captioning services to determine the format that on-line classes will be held. DSS staff will collaborate with the Faculty Center for classes where instructors will be using Yuja, which is a cloud-based video creation and management software, to ensure that auto generated captions are sent to the predetermined vendor for accessibility validation (to meet accessibility standards) for accuracy. Managing Accessibility Options | YuJa Enterprise Video Platform
Note-taking Assistance
Students will continue to receive notes from their pre-established note-takers who have been set up in classes prior to the conversion to an on-line format. Ask about Otter.ai the Voice Notes App.
Captioned Media
DSS advisors will contact all instructors for students who have an accommodation to receive captioned media to determine if instructional materials have changed since moving to an online format. Captions will be added to “in-house” or sent to CaptionSync to caption media.
Alternate Media
Staff will continue to work on converting instructional materials into accessible formats remotely. Students will also be provided with self-service resources, so last minute conversions can be made by students.
Flexibility with attendance and due dates
Students will follow the protocol established in the Exacerbation of Symptoms Accommodation Guidelines.
Adaptive furniture
Students have the ability to determine the testing and learning environment to best meet their needs at a remote location.
Use of recorder
Students will follow the Recording and Transcription Agreement if this is an approved DSS accommodation.
Faculty Assistance
- Remote Instruction at SSU (Academic Affairs)
- Faculty Accessibility Guide
- Center for Teaching & Educational Technology (CTET)
- Teaching Through Disruptions
- IT Help Desk
- Universal Access Hub
- Online Course Accessibility Checklist | Disability Resources for Students
Student Resources
- Assistive Technology and Instructional Technology
- IT Help Desk
- Fall 2020 CAASE WiFi Hotspot Mailing Program
- Library Laptop Loan Program & Noise-canceling Headsets
- Learning and Academic Resource Center
- CAAASE Website (coming soon)
Health and Wellness
These are extremely stressful times for students and the entire SSU community. It is important that you take time to care for yourselves.
- SSU Counseling & Psychological Services
- Student Health Center - Health Topics
- What is Wellness? | Student Health and Counseling Services
Connecting with Students
- DSS staff will have an automatic email reply with information on remote instruction, links to COVID19-Coronavirus SSU website, and other resources. This is a preliminary way to provide up-to-date information to students as information is updated.
- A “Supports Available to Students” resource guide has been completed (pending information from other departments) that will assist students in the migration from in-person to online/zoom/phone/remote advising meetings. The resources listed include other on-campus, community, and online resources. Students will have all the pertinent information in one place as they move forward with remote classes as well as practice self-care during this troubling time.
- Since Disability Awareness Month and the Senior Send-Off event will be cancelled, graduating seniors will have an opportunity to be recognized for their efforts and degree completion. More information to follow.
- DSS is working closely with our CAASE partners to ensure uniform communication and resource information is readily available for all students.
- DSS students will be encouraged to check-in with their advisors during this transition. Students will receive email correspondence encouraging them to set-up remote appointments.