
I have a student who is having difficulty in my class. I think they may have a disability. What should I do to help them?

Talk privately with the student to discuss your observations. The student may reveal he or she has a disability. If this is the case and the student is registered with the DSS office, suggest that they talk to a Disability Adviser in the office.

What is considered a disability?

As defined by the Americans with Disability Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a disability is a mental, physical or emotional impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity.

Does my professor know the nature of my disability?

No. It is up to the student to determine whether or not to disclose specific information about their disability. Some students find that it is helpful to discuss the nature of their condition with their professors, while others prefer to keep this information confidential. The DSS accommodation letter only indicates the approved accommodations for your class and does not include any information about the nature of your disability.

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